Orthodox Church of St. Mary Magdalene in Słochy Annopolskie



  • Adres: Słochy Annopolskie, 17-300 Siemiatycze, Słochy Annopolskie
Construction of the Orthodox church began in 2004. The land and money for this purpose was offered by the Panasiuks who are commemorated by the stone and cross at the back of the church. The new church was not only to serve the local community (majority of which belong to the Orthodox Church), but also commemorate victims of Nazi pacification of Słochy Annopolskie from 1941. The church was officially consecrated in 2014 by the Metropolitan of Warsaw and All Poland Sawa, assisted by Archbishop of Lublin and Chełm Abel, Siemiatycze Bishop Jerzy and Bishop Grzegorz of Suprasliensis, as well as Bishop Michael of New York and New Jersey (Orthodox Church in America). On the same day, relics of the patron saint brought by monks from the Monastery of Simonopetra on Athos were displayed in the church for worship.